Blooming Bouquet


Blooming bouquet is bursting with blooms that will last! A pretty floral embroidery with full illustrated instructions.

Suitable for a motivated beginner and a great kit for those who have completed the Journey Box. There’s a new stitch to learn Herringbone stitch, to add to the 10 you learn in Stitch Garden Sampler.

The kit includes:

  • 10 x 10 organic cotton piece of fabric

  • DMC threads in 8 colors shown

  • Full color instruction card

The design is approximately 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

Please note:

You will need scissors, a needle and an embroidery hoop to complete this kit. I do have a listing for an embroidery starter kit that includes all those items in a lovely organic cotton bag.

This embroidery design is suitable for beginners and advanced sewers alike. Additional help is available on my YouTube channel showing where I have videos showing the basic stitches.

Inspired by real flower bouquets it would make a lovely gift that lasts.

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Blooming bouquet is bursting with blooms that will last! A pretty floral embroidery with full illustrated instructions.

Suitable for a motivated beginner and a great kit for those who have completed the Journey Box. There’s a new stitch to learn Herringbone stitch, to add to the 10 you learn in Stitch Garden Sampler.

The kit includes:

  • 10 x 10 organic cotton piece of fabric

  • DMC threads in 8 colors shown

  • Full color instruction card

The design is approximately 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

Please note:

You will need scissors, a needle and an embroidery hoop to complete this kit. I do have a listing for an embroidery starter kit that includes all those items in a lovely organic cotton bag.

This embroidery design is suitable for beginners and advanced sewers alike. Additional help is available on my YouTube channel showing where I have videos showing the basic stitches.

Inspired by real flower bouquets it would make a lovely gift that lasts.

Blooming bouquet is bursting with blooms that will last! A pretty floral embroidery with full illustrated instructions.

Suitable for a motivated beginner and a great kit for those who have completed the Journey Box. There’s a new stitch to learn Herringbone stitch, to add to the 10 you learn in Stitch Garden Sampler.

The kit includes:

  • 10 x 10 organic cotton piece of fabric

  • DMC threads in 8 colors shown

  • Full color instruction card

The design is approximately 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches.

Please note:

You will need scissors, a needle and an embroidery hoop to complete this kit. I do have a listing for an embroidery starter kit that includes all those items in a lovely organic cotton bag.

This embroidery design is suitable for beginners and advanced sewers alike. Additional help is available on my YouTube channel showing where I have videos showing the basic stitches.

Inspired by real flower bouquets it would make a lovely gift that lasts.

Flower Patch
Garden Flowers Kit
Stitch Garden Sampler, Easy Embroidery Kit for Beginners
Daisy Bouquet
Coastal Flowers